Make a Difference
The New Orleans Hispanic Heritage Foundation is a nonprofit organization that works investing in the education of talented and hardworking low-income local students who identify with Hispanic heritage. Through its Scholarship program, the NOHHF helps them shape their future as responsible and educated citizens who can lead New Orleans and Louisiana to bigger and better things. Each year, the NOHHF works with local private and public high schools selecting candidates for its Scholarship Program. Since 1993 the Foundation has awarded over 1311 high school and freshman-year college scholarships to high-achieving students who attend schools in our area and go to distinguished Higher Education Institutions in the Country.
Every year the Foundation expects an increase in the number of low-income students in need of financial aid. Your support will contribute to our capacity to respond to the necessity of these students and their families to receive as much financial help as possible to be able to continue their academic careers, making our community stronger.