Gálvez Cup

The Gálvez Cup, the highest recognition awarded by the NOHHF, is presented to that person or entity that has been, through unselfish effort and devotion, of the greatest assistance to the Foundation in its work. The award is named after the most dynamic, efficient and progressive governor of Louisiana during the Spanish governance period (1776-1783), Don Bernardo de Gálvez. The brilliant military and political career of Governor Gálvez is highlighted by his assistance to the American colonists’ struggle for independence in driving the British from what is now the southeastern portion of the United States and from the strategically important Mississippi River Valley. The Coat of Arms authorized for Don Bernardo and the House of Gálvez by the King of Spain includes the now-famous motto “Yo solo” (I alone) to commemorate his personal bravery at the Battle of Pensacola in 1871. Following the mandate of Carlos III to restore Spanish respectability and grandeur through social, economic, and political restructuring and regeneration, Gálvez focused his enlightened spirit of reform on Louisiana. Not only did Gálvez rebuild this city after the great fires of the late 1700s, but he opened the doors to immigrants of all nationalities ensuring its future growth and diversity. The waves of social and economic growth launched under the Gálvez administration were to be felt for years to come.


1990 - Mr. Lucas Bentivoglio

1991 - Reverend Herbert Arrunategui

1992 - Kiwanis Club of Little Havana

1993 - Phillip Morris

1994 - Not awarded

1995 - Mayor Marc Morial

1996 - Father Pedro Núñez

1997 - Mr. John Schwegmann

1998 - Mr. Mark Kury

1999 - Mr. King Milling

2000 - Mr. Víctor Castellón

2001 - Mr. William M. Metcalf, Jr.

2002 - Ms. Barbara G. Spencer

2003 - Mayor Ray Nagin

2004 - Mr. Gustavo Duque

2005 - Juan Jorge and Ana Ester Gershanik

2006 - Mr. Martin Gutiérrez

2007 - Dr. Raoul Rodríguez

2008 - Maestro Carlos Miguel Prieto

2009 - Mr. Eugene J. Schreiber

2010 - José and Ileana Suquet

2011 - Mr. Rafael Goyeneche, III

2012 - Dr. Patrick J. Quinlan

2013 - Dr. Nicolás Bazán

2014 - Chef Adolfo García

2015 - Hernán Caro, Luis Colmenares and Mario Villa

2016 - Mr. Arnold Donald

2017 - Ms. Jenny Hamilton

2018 - The Brennan Family

2019 - Mrs. Beatriz Ball

2022- Mr. Bill Hines

2023 – Ms. Deanna Rodriguez and Mrs. Patricia Riddlebarger